Svenskt flödescytometrimöte 29-30:e mars 2023

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Inbjudan SFFF årsmöte 2023

OBS! Förlängd anmälningstid. Sista anmälningsdag 28:e mars.


Preliminary Program

Onsdag 29/3

9:30-10:30          Registrering/Fika

10:30-10:40       Welcome

10:40-11:25       MPAL and Flow Cytometry                        Marie Christine Bené

11:25-12:00       Multiparameter flow cytometry in evaluation of myelodysplasia               Anna Porwit

12:00-13:00       Lunch

13:00-13:45     Assessment of T-cell clonality by multicolor flow cytometry in everyday hematopathology practice      Mats Ehinger

13:45-14:15       MRD investigation in myeloma            Monika Klimkowska

14:15-14:45       Fika

14:45-15:30       Årsmöte Svensk förening för flödescytometri

15:30-16:00       CLL MRD with Flow cytometry                  Åsa Thulin

16:00-16:30       MRD in ALL using Flow Cytometry                          Magnus Hultdin

16:30-17:00       Företagspresentationer




Torsdag 30/3


8:30-9:15            The role of B cells in Type 1 diabetes development of the NOD mouse       Kristina Lejon

9:15-9:45            Memory T-cell populations after vaccination       Anders Sjöstedt

9:45-10:15          Fika

10:15-10:45       FACS-RNA sequencing with intracellular epitopes: applications in evolution, development and disease         Cederic Patthey

10:45-11:30       Assessing the life cycle of immune cells with flow cytometry   Andy Dernstedt

11:30-12:00       Företagspresentationer

12:00-13:00       Lunch

13:00-13:30       Företagspresentationer

13:30-14:00       Bacterial secretory molecules and their role in host pathogenesis          Aftab Nadeem

14:00-14:20       How we use flow cytometry to improve viral pseudotype production   Kerstin Seier

14:20-14:30       Avslutning

14:30    Fika

14:30-16:00       Studiebesök